How to increase your attention span: 9 ways to improve focus


Explore why you may have difficulty concentrating or a short attention span. Plus, how to increase attention span and improve your focus and productivity.

Our world is full of distractions, from the pings of constant notifications to a seemingly endless stream of social media content. It’s no wonder many of us find it challenging to stay focused! However, maintaining a strong attention span is a major key to success in both your personal and professional life. Understanding the factors that influence your attention span, including your environment, emotional state, and even your physical wellbeing, and how attention spans vary from person to person are important first steps toward improving your focus and productivity.

What is your attention span? 

Your attention span refers to the length of time you can concentrate on a task without becoming distracted. Of course, your attention span is highly personal and can vary depending on what you’re doing. You may have already noticed that some activities, like a great novel or an exciting project, can hold your attention for hours. Others, like a dull report or a tedious chore, can have you watching the clock or checking your phone every few minutes. Your level of interest in the task, the time of day, and even your mood are factors in how long you can maintain focus.

Understanding your attention span involves some self-observation. It’s helpful to notice the times you do your best work and when you find yourself easily distracted. For instance, if you know you have a longer attention span in the mornings, that's the perfect time to dive into more complex, attention-demanding work. The times your attention span usually wanes might be the best moments to handle less demanding tasks or take a well-deserved break. This personal insight empowers you to make informed decisions about how and when to tackle various tasks.

How to improve your attention span in 9 ways 

By incorporating these strategies into your daily routine you'll see improvements in your attention span and also in your overall productivity and wellbeing. Lengthening your attention span will take practice and patience, so be kind to yourself along the way.

1. Turn the volume up on the music—and your productivity levels 

Studies suggest that listening to certain types of music, like classical or instrumental, can enhance concentration. Next time you're tackling a task, try playing some Bach or Mozart in the background and observe the difference.

2. Prevent burnout and keep your mind fresh with regular breaks

Techniques like the Pomodoro method, where you work for a set period and then take a short break, can help you focus. 

3. Use a planner to avoid feeling overwhelmed

By organizing your tasks, deadlines, and appointments, you're less likely to feel scattered and more likely to tackle one thing at a time.

4. Break big projects down into smaller tasks to stay motivated

Facing a massive project can be daunting and leave you feeling scattered. The key is to break it down into smaller, more manageable tasks. This way, you're not overwhelmed by the scale of the project, and each small task completed can provide a sense of achievement that keeps you going.

5. Try saying no to multi-tasking and yes to single-tasking

While multi-tasking might seem efficient, it's often the enemy of good attention. Focusing on one task at a time ensures you're giving it your full focus, leading to better quality work and less mental clutter.

6. Get a good night’s sleep and recharge your mental batteries

When you're well-rested, your brain functions at its best, allowing you to maintain focus and process information more efficiently.

7. Get physical to get focused

Regular physical activity—whether it's a short walk or a full-on cardio session—can improve cognitive function, memory, and  attention span. 

8. Give your mind a workout with a meditation routine

Meditation trains your mind to focus and redirect thoughts, which can be incredibly beneficial for extending your attention span. Just a few minutes a day can make a big difference.

9. Be attentive to the present through practicing mindfulness

Like meditation, mindfulness is about being present in the moment. It can be as simple as paying full attention to your meal, your breath, or your surroundings. By practicing mindfulness, you're training your brain to focus on the here and now and boosting your attention span.


Erin Alexander

At Finally Social we are a marketing one stop shop for Real Estate agents, Mortgage Brokers and Coaches. We create/audit Social Media Platforms, SM Posting, design & maintain websites, email marketing, branding, & logos. Also marketing collateral: custom images, publications, brochures, flyers, postcards, & magazines.

Erin Alexander is the CEO and founder of, a social media and online marketing agency that helps business owners to grow their brand, generate quality leads and convert those leads into profits from social media marketing.

With experience in digital advertising experience, Erin's proven strategies, have helped business owners to effectively get in front of the right customers and clients to significantly grow their bottom line.

Finally Social offers website designs to small business owners as well as create or define their social media platform. We also offer individual services: Newsletters, Web Sites, Visual Tours, Postlets, Listing Flyers, YouTube, Follow Up Process, Update sales on Zillow and Trulia, and Referrals.

Being an active member in her community, Erin loves connecting other business owners, referral partners and non-profits in her local community.

Skills Used
Specialities: Social Media, Lead Generation, Social Media Marketing Management, Periscope, Blogging, Email Marketing, Branding, Website Design, SEO, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Youtube, Twitter and Personal Development, Facebook Ads.

Whatever the service needed, we are here for you. Our GOAL is to provide you with a Fun, Fair and Comfortable experience. Social Media can be very stressful and time consuming. Let US take on that stress for you.

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