Beware of spam - here are the most common types of spam to avoid.

Let's talk about spam. 

I get calls and emails from people asking about spam almost everyday. Always be cautious. If you don't know ask. Spam is everywhere.

Basically, don't click on anything, don't reply to emails, texts or DMs. Any notice you get within Facebook saying you page or account is going be disconnected or needs to be verified, is not true. You should change your passwords at least once a year. I change my passwords every year for both my personal and business. 

How do I make my Facebook account secure?

Secure your Facebook account with a strong password and two-factor authentication. Pick a strong and unique password. Avoid including your name, phone number, email address or common words. Don't reuse your Facebook password on other services online, and never share your password with others.

If you have any questions about any of this please give me a call or email me or my team. 

Recognizing spam is crucial to maintaining online security and avoiding potentially harmful situations.

Here are some general tips to help you identify spam:

1. **Emails:**
   - **Check the sender's email address:** Be cautious if the email is from an unfamiliar or suspicious address.
   - **Look for spelling and grammar mistakes:** Legitimate organizations typically use professional language, and spam emails may contain errors.
   - **Beware of urgent requests:** Many spam emails use urgency to prompt quick action, such as claiming your account will be closed unless you provide information immediately.

2. **Links:**
   - **Hover over links before clicking:** Check the actual URL by hovering your mouse over the link without clicking. If it looks suspicious, don't click on it.
   - **Verify website authenticity:** Ensure that the website you are directed to is legitimate and secure. Look for "https://" and a padlock icon in the address bar.

3. **Attachments:**
   - **Be cautious with attachments:** Avoid opening attachments from unknown senders. Malicious software often comes in the form of email attachments.

4. **Pop-up Windows:**
   - **Avoid clicking on pop-ups:** Legitimate companies generally don't use pop-ups to ask for personal information. Close pop-ups and go directly to the official website if needed.

5. **Requests for Personal Information:**
   - **Be skeptical of requests for personal information:** Legitimate organizations don't usually request sensitive information (passwords, credit card numbers, etc.) via email or pop-ups.

6. **Unsolicited Communication:**
   - **Be wary of unsolicited messages:** If you didn't expect to receive communication from a particular source, especially if it's offering something too good to be true, it may be spam.

7. **Social Media:**
   - **Be cautious of friend/follower requests from unknown individuals:** Spammers often create fake profiles to connect with users. Verify the identity of the person before accepting the request.

8. **Phishing Attempts:**
   - **Watch for phishing attempts:** Be cautious of messages that ask you to verify your account or reset your password. Always go directly to the official website to make such changes.

9. **Typosquatting:**
   - **Watch for domain misspellings:** Be cautious of websites with slight misspellings or variations of well-known domains. This is a common tactic used by spammers.

10. **Use Security Software:**
    - **Install reliable security software:** Keep your antivirus and anti-malware software up-to-date to help identify and block potential threats.

11. **Trust your Instincts:**
    - **If it seems suspicious, it probably is:** If something feels off or too good to be true, it's wise to investigate further or avoid interacting with it.

Remember, the tactics used by spammers are constantly evolving, so staying informed about new trends and maintaining a healthy level of skepticism is key to recognizing and avoiding spam.

Written by Erin Alexander

Erin Alexander

At Finally Social we are a marketing one stop shop for Real Estate agents, Mortgage Brokers and Coaches. We create/audit Social Media Platforms, SM Posting, design & maintain websites, email marketing, branding, & logos. Also marketing collateral: custom images, publications, brochures, flyers, postcards, & magazines.

Erin Alexander is the CEO and founder of, a social media and online marketing agency that helps business owners to grow their brand, generate quality leads and convert those leads into profits from social media marketing.

With experience in digital advertising experience, Erin's proven strategies, have helped business owners to effectively get in front of the right customers and clients to significantly grow their bottom line.

Finally Social offers website designs to small business owners as well as create or define their social media platform. We also offer individual services: Newsletters, Web Sites, Visual Tours, Postlets, Listing Flyers, YouTube, Follow Up Process, Update sales on Zillow and Trulia, and Referrals.

Being an active member in her community, Erin loves connecting other business owners, referral partners and non-profits in her local community.

Skills Used
Specialities: Social Media, Lead Generation, Social Media Marketing Management, Periscope, Blogging, Email Marketing, Branding, Website Design, SEO, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Youtube, Twitter and Personal Development, Facebook Ads.

Whatever the service needed, we are here for you. Our GOAL is to provide you with a Fun, Fair and Comfortable experience. Social Media can be very stressful and time consuming. Let US take on that stress for you.

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